CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
CSS MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on css Given below some important MCQ questions on CSS (Objective type, Multiple Choice) Question and Answer, from where you can sharpen your knowledge on CSS. There are some questions on CSS3 too. This online CSS test will introduce you to some advanced aspect of CSS code. As a whole these questions on CSS will improve your understanding of the subject. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, that is used in conjunction with HTML code to design a great looking webpage. CSS lets us control the look and feel of a web page. If you attempt all questions, you will definitely learn how to use css with some new aspect of CSS. It will be helpful if you practice these concept of CSS practically then it will prepare you for online css mcq aptitude test of job interview, written test as well as practical tests.
Here you will find a list of common important questions on css - cascading style sheets in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews. These frequently asked sample questions on CSS / CSS3 are given with correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. Presently we have added total 4 sets of questions on css - cascading style sheets for you to practice. We will keep adding more questions and provide this question bank in PDF format, so that you can download them instantly in E-book style.
Following section consists of some important multiple choice questions (mcq) on css - cascading style sheets Web Designing with answers.
If we want define style for an unique element, then which css selector will we use ?
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If we don't want to allow a floating div to the left side of an element, which css property will we use ?
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Suppose we want to arragnge five nos. of DIVs so that DIV4 is placed above DIV1. Now, which css property will we use to control the order of stack?
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Can we align a Block element by setting the left and right margins ?
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If we want to wrap a block of text around an image, which css property will we use ?
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